¿Va a renovar su solución SD-WAN? Quizá haya llegado el momento de una transformación. Sumérjase en nuestro servicio SDWAN RENEW multiproveedor para disfrutar de una experiencia refrescante. Diga adiós a configuraciones obsoletas y niveles de servicio mediocres. Nuestro servicio especializado RENEW garantiza una actualización o sustitución de última generación, preparando su red para el futuro y optimizando al mismo tiempo la excelencia comercial y de servicio.
Como usuario pionero de SD-WAN, es posible que su solución no sea adecuada ahora, 3-5 años después de su implementación. Y no es el único: vemos estos problemas con soluciones listas para renovar todos los días:
- tecnologías obsoletas o versiones no actualizadas,
- uso de una conectividad cara,
- dispositivos de hardware anticuados,
- incorrectos diseño y configuración de la solución
- gestión y asistencia limitados por parte del proveedor
- incertidumbre tras la venta de la empresa fabricante
Resolver estos problemas es nuestra actividad principal, para que usted pueda seguir con la suya.
- Rendimiento de la red
- Escalabilidad y flexibilidad
- Integraciones de seguridad
- Ahorro de costes
- Compatibilidad con la nube
- Rendimiento de la aplicación
- Opciones de gestión
- Integración con infraestructuras o sistemas nuevos o adicionales
- Apoyo a los proveedores
- Tecnologías de conectividad
- Conformación y priorización del tráfico
- Optimización WAN
- Integración de la garantía de datos
- Alta disponibilidad y redundancia
- Informes y análisis
- Integración del trabajo a distancia
- Ecosistema de proveedores
- Modelo de licencia
- Cumplimiento
- Preparado para el futuro
- Opciones de financiación
- Integraciones de terceros
- Opciones de asistencia 24 x 7 x 365
Lo que SDWAN and SASE RENEW significa para usted: descargue gratis el folleto
«Lo primero que pensará es ‘qué gano yo’. Es fácil: obtendrá una renovación de la solución adaptada a sus necesidades y preparada para el futuro, al mejor coste posible, con un plazo de entrega rápido y sin que tenga que hacer absolutamente nada. Los POC no deberían llevar meses, los presupuestos no deberían llevar semanas… No debería tener que aceptar un servicio reactivo o por debajo de la media, retrasos en la instalación y una gestión deficiente de la solución y la cuenta».
Anthony Senter, Director General y experto en la materia
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Imprima en PDF o exporte en Excel, introduzca los datos de su proveedor y compare.
# | Supplier Competency | SDWAN SOLUTIONS | Your Provider | Why it's important to you |
1 | Certified SD-WAN Subject Matter Experts (We're DOUBLE accredited) | 2 | The provider should have the experience, knowledge, official certifications and the respect in the industry behind them to be properly considered subject matter experts | |
2 | SD-WAN vendor certifications | 35+ | The provider must fully understand their own services and solutions as well as other vendor solutions to be able to propose the best possible solution to you | |
3 | Solutions designed to suit customer requirements | YES | There is not a single off the shelf solution that is suitable for everyone - your requirements are unique to your business and your network solution needs to satisfy these requirements | |
4 | Only offers True SD-WAN technologies and solutions from certified and tested vendors | YES | Some vendor solutions are SD-WAN in name only and do not offer the functionality that true SD-WAN delivers | |
5 | Proven SD-WAN vendor technologies | 9 | The provider aligns your business requirements to the most suited SD-WAN vendor technology, not to the only one on offer | |
6 | World leading Security vendor technologies | 4 | Your business needs to be protected by the best security available, and your provider should have the ability to change security provider without changing SD-WAN vendor or replacing hardware | |
7 | Connectivity providers | 1953 | Network provider choice ensures every site has the best available connectivity installed to maximise resilience, redundancy and performance and is not dependant on a single provider | |
8 | Universal CPE hardware with VNF capability | YES | Universal CPE ensures that SD-WAN and security software are not tied to the hardware, allowing you change elements without replacing the hardware. Running multiple applications on a single device reduces cost and management | |
9 | 24 x 7 x 365 support | YES | The provider and their support experts should be available to you 24 x 7 x 365 | |
10 | Number of Access technologies available | 6 | The provider ensures all of your sites have access to all available connectivity options at all times, without limitation | |
11 | UK, EU and APAC Headquarters | YES | The provider is able to support business requirements locally and globally without restriction | |
12 | Countries where local field engineers are available | 190 | You have access to your provider's field engineer services across the globe, in your local language | |
13 | Number of countries where solutions can be deployed, managed and supported | 190 | Solutions should not be limited to specific countries or regions, now and in the future. Ensures a single global solution and increased performance, reduced cost and centralised management | |
14 | Mix and Match solution components | YES | Best in class technology vendors make up your solution - You are not forced to settle for a single vendor suite of products when you only want one element | |
15 | Number of installation options available to customers | 3 | Installation options should be available to suit your requirements or preferences | |
16 | Number of management options available | 3 | Management options should be available to suit your requirements or preferences | |
17 | Short term connectivity contracts available | YES | Ensures no contractual tie in for technologies that may become out-dated during your contract | |
18 | SASE Options | YES | The provider offers integrated security options, either on the physical edge device or supplied via Cloud as part of a tailored solution design, deployment and management | |
19 | Access to SDWAN Cloud, in 50 locations globally | YES | Allows seamless access to every IaaS, SaaS, private Cloud and public Cloud instance as well as connection to nearly 700 global DC locations on a PAYU, as part of your SD-WAN solution. Also enables you to operate separate SD-WAN vendor solutions in a single network, particularly relevant during acquisitions and mergers. | |
20 | Simple Multi-Cloud Access | YES | Access to multiple Cloud instances for resilience and redundancy as standard with your SD-WAN solution. | |
21 | Online solution design option | YES | Convenient, tailored multi-vendor solution design, at your own time and pace, without having to physically meet with dozens of suppliers, could save you months of investigation | |
22 | Enhanced layer 4 encryption is available as an option | YES | The option of including enhanced layer 4 encryption so that your traffic remains completely invisible even to the SD-WAN provider - suitable for MOD, Govt and financial organisations | |
23 | Solution Re-Tech guarantee | YES | Keeps your solution as technically optimised as possible, through-out the contract, replacing technologies as and when new options become available. | |
24 | Seamless multi-vendor solution integration | YES | The provider can support different SD-WAN vendor solutions and allows seamless communication between them when mergers and acquisitions result in different provider networks | |
25 | Complete suite of SD-WAN and SaSe services | YES | The provider offers every possible SD-WAN related professional service including consultancy, to design, POC, implementation, management, expansion, consolidation, RFP process and many more | |
26 | 100% focus on SD-WAN and SaSe | YES | The provider offers focused attention and expertise on SD-WAN and SaSe technology - not a jack of all trades | |
27 | Multi-Award winning company | YES | The provider has earned Industry and peer recognition for SD-WAN and SASE products and services | |
28 | Engineer-As-A-Service | YES | The provider has the ability to supply engineering resource where you do not have IT teams, in 190 countries world-wide | |
29 | Deployment-As-a-Service | YES | The provider has the ability to deploy services and solutions for you, where you do not have IT teams, in 190 countries world-wide | |
30 | Proof of Concept trials | YES | The provider is able to demonstrate the solutions and technologies within your live environment , thereby proving real-time capabilities and benefits | |
31 | Research and Development laboratory | YES | The provider has the ability to test the proposed solution, in a live simulation environment, before POC or deployment | |
32 | SD-WAN vendor training for customers | YES | As part of your solution, the provider ensures that you become confident and certified in the vendor technology, important for co-managed and self-managed solutions | |
33 | Solution Co-management option | YES | The provider allows you to make changes to your network, once certified, as and when you need to, knowing that the provider is available 24 x 7 to make these changes for you also. | |
34 | Orchestrator-As-A-Service | YES | The provider is able to host and manage the solution orchestrator as part of your solution | |
35 | SD-WAN functionality testing process | YES | The provider ensures and confirms that the SD-WAN technology is suitable and will provide the expected benefits accordingly, with no surprises | |
36 | Application enhancement | YES | The provider designs the solution around application requirements and performance to boost business productivity | |
37 | Is able to utilise satellite as a connectivity option | YES | The provider is able to use satellite connectivity successfully in conjunction with lower latency connections, | |
38 | Solutions scalable to thousands of edge devices | YES | No limitation on the number of edge devices that can be installed as part of a larger deployment | |
39 | Physical and virtual appliances are available | YES | The solution is able to run on physical and virtual appliances, or a mixture of both | |
40 | Solution provides per packet traffic steering | YES | The provider solution reacts sub second to changes in conditions and applications are NOT pinned to links requiring them to failover to secondary links | |
41 | Project management | YES | The provider has experienced PM services available for your solution deployment | |
42 | PAYU access to over 900 global DC locations | YES | The provider solution enables you to connect to global DC locations and only pay for the bandwidth you use, as part of your SD-WAN solution. No need to maintain point to point links globally | |
43 | 4G private APN network option | YES | The provider solution separates your traffic from consumer LTE networks in congested areas | |
44 | OPEX or As-A-Service pricing model | YES | The provider offers zero installation fees with a set monthly payment option | |
45 | Full account management with quarterly reviews | YES | Your account is fully managed with a single point of contact, by the provider | |
46 | Clear escalation path | YES | Complete escalation path for 24 x 7 support right through to CTO and CEO level | |
47 | Free of charge Proof of Concept | YES | The provider does not charge a fee or cost for the POC | |
48 | Sub-second failover after link failure | YES | The provider ensures that your solution reacts sub-second to link failure or link brownout, preventing dropped calls etc | |
49 | Independent solution advice, always | YES | You receive the best solution for your requirements, and not the only solution that your provider can supply | |
50 | SD-WAN and / or Security components can be replaced without replacing the hardware | YES | Change SD-WAN or security without replacing the hardware as is the case with a single provider SaSe | |
51 | All available bandwidth is used within a solution | YES | The provider solution makes use of all installed connectivity ensuring that secondary lines are used and not sitting idle, waiting for a main link failure. | |
52 | LTE can be used as a main connection technology | YES | Some providers only permit the use of LTE services as a link of last resort or as a dedicated back-up solution, thereby limiting your connectivity choices | |
53 | Seamless integration with 3rd party software and services, often on a single device | YES | The provider should be able to enhance your solution and security with seamless, non-disruptive integration with 3rd party services without needing to replace hardware or add additional hardware. | |
54 | Optional Data Assurance | YES | The provider should be able to Include Layer 4 encryption to secure your data, even during transit, making your sensitive data worthless to any cyber-criminal | |
55 | IOT device enhanced integration | YES | The provider can ensure that your IOT devices are intelligently connected and protected, and integrated into your network and security environment, regardless of where they are located |
# | Supplier Competency | SDWAN SOLUTIONS | Your Provider | Why it's important to you |
1 | Certified SD-WAN Subject Matter Experts (We're DOUBLE accredited) | 2 | The provider should have the experience, knowledge, official certifications and the respect in the industry behind them to be properly considered subject matter experts | |
2 | SD-WAN vendor certifications | 35+ | The provider must fully understand their own services and solutions as well as other vendor solutions to be able to propose the best possible solution to you | |
3 | Solutions designed to suit customer requirements | YES | There is not a single off the shelf solution that is suitable for everyone - your requirements are unique to your business and your network solution needs to satisfy these requirements | |
4 | Only offers True SD-WAN technologies and solutions from certified and tested vendors | YES | Some vendor solutions are SD-WAN in name only and do not offer the functionality that true SD-WAN delivers | |
5 | Proven SD-WAN vendor technologies | 9 | The provider aligns your business requirements to the most suited SD-WAN vendor technology, not to the only one on offer | |
6 | World leading Security vendor technologies | 4 | Your business needs to be protected by the best security available, and your provider should have the ability to change security provider without changing SD-WAN vendor or replacing hardware | |
7 | Connectivity providers | 1953 | Network provider choice ensures every site has the best available connectivity installed to maximise resilience, redundancy and performance and is not dependant on a single provider | |
8 | Universal CPE hardware with VNF capability | YES | Universal CPE ensures that SD-WAN and security software are not tied to the hardware, allowing you change elements without replacing the hardware. Running multiple applications on a single device reduces cost and management | |
9 | 24 x 7 x 365 support | YES | The provider and their support experts should be available to you 24 x 7 x 365 | |
10 | Number of Access technologies available | 6 | The provider ensures all of your sites have access to all available connectivity options at all times, without limitation | |
11 | UK, EU and APAC Headquarters | YES | The provider is able to support business requirements locally and globally without restriction | |
12 | Countries where local field engineers are available | 190 | You have access to your provider's field engineer services across the globe, in your local language | |
13 | Number of countries where solutions can be deployed, managed and supported | 190 | Solutions should not be limited to specific countries or regions, now and in the future. Ensures a single global solution and increased performance, reduced cost and centralised management | |
14 | Mix and Match solution components | YES | Best in class technology vendors make up your solution - You are not forced to settle for a single vendor suite of products when you only want one element | |
15 | Number of installation options available to customers | 3 | Installation options should be available to suit your requirements or preferences | |
16 | Number of management options available | 3 | Management options should be available to suit your requirements or preferences | |
17 | Short term connectivity contracts available | YES | Ensures no contractual tie in for technologies that may become out-dated during your contract | |
18 | SASE Options | YES | The provider offers integrated security options, either on the physical edge device or supplied via Cloud as part of a tailored solution design, deployment and management | |
19 | Access to SDWAN Cloud, in 50 locations globally | YES | Allows seamless access to every IaaS, SaaS, private Cloud and public Cloud instance as well as connection to nearly 700 global DC locations on a PAYU, as part of your SD-WAN solution. Also enables you to operate separate SD-WAN vendor solutions in a single network, particularly relevant during acquisitions and mergers. | |
20 | Simple Multi-Cloud Access | YES | Access to multiple Cloud instances for resilience and redundancy as standard with your SD-WAN solution. | |
21 | Online solution design option | YES | Convenient, tailored multi-vendor solution design, at your own time and pace, without having to physically meet with dozens of suppliers, could save you months of investigation | |
22 | Enhanced layer 4 encryption is available as an option | YES | The option of including enhanced layer 4 encryption so that your traffic remains completely invisible even to the SD-WAN provider - suitable for MOD, Govt and financial organisations | |
23 | Solution Re-Tech guarantee | YES | Keeps your solution as technically optimised as possible, through-out the contract, replacing technologies as and when new options become available. | |
24 | Seamless multi-vendor solution integration | YES | The provider can support different SD-WAN vendor solutions and allows seamless communication between them when mergers and acquisitions result in different provider networks | |
25 | Complete suite of SD-WAN and SaSe services | YES | The provider offers every possible SD-WAN related professional service including consultancy, to design, POC, implementation, management, expansion, consolidation, RFP process and many more | |
26 | 100% focus on SD-WAN and SaSe | YES | The provider offers focused attention and expertise on SD-WAN and SaSe technology - not a jack of all trades | |
27 | Multi-Award winning company | YES | The provider has earned Industry and peer recognition for SD-WAN and SASE products and services | |
28 | Engineer-As-A-Service | YES | The provider has the ability to supply engineering resource where you do not have IT teams, in 190 countries world-wide | |
29 | Deployment-As-a-Service | YES | The provider has the ability to deploy services and solutions for you, where you do not have IT teams, in 190 countries world-wide | |
30 | Proof of Concept trials | YES | The provider is able to demonstrate the solutions and technologies within your live environment , thereby proving real-time capabilities and benefits | |
31 | Research and Development laboratory | YES | The provider has the ability to test the proposed solution, in a live simulation environment, before POC or deployment | |
32 | SD-WAN vendor training for customers | YES | As part of your solution, the provider ensures that you become confident and certified in the vendor technology, important for co-managed and self-managed solutions | |
33 | Solution Co-management option | YES | The provider allows you to make changes to your network, once certified, as and when you need to, knowing that the provider is available 24 x 7 to make these changes for you also. | |
34 | Orchestrator-As-A-Service | YES | The provider is able to host and manage the solution orchestrator as part of your solution | |
35 | SD-WAN functionality testing process | YES | The provider ensures and confirms that the SD-WAN technology is suitable and will provide the expected benefits accordingly, with no surprises | |
36 | Application enhancement | YES | The provider designs the solution around application requirements and performance to boost business productivity | |
37 | Is able to utilise satellite as a connectivity option | YES | The provider is able to use satellite connectivity successfully in conjunction with lower latency connections, | |
38 | Solutions scalable to thousands of edge devices | YES | No limitation on the number of edge devices that can be installed as part of a larger deployment | |
39 | Physical and virtual appliances are available | YES | The solution is able to run on physical and virtual appliances, or a mixture of both | |
40 | Solution provides per packet traffic steering | YES | The provider solution reacts sub second to changes in conditions and applications are NOT pinned to links requiring them to failover to secondary links | |
41 | Project management | YES | The provider has experienced PM services available for your solution deployment | |
42 | PAYU access to over 900 global DC locations | YES | The provider solution enables you to connect to global DC locations and only pay for the bandwidth you use, as part of your SD-WAN solution. No need to maintain point to point links globally | |
43 | 4G private APN network option | YES | The provider solution separates your traffic from consumer LTE networks in congested areas | |
44 | OPEX or As-A-Service pricing model | YES | The provider offers zero installation fees with a set monthly payment option | |
45 | Full account management with quarterly reviews | YES | Your account is fully managed with a single point of contact, by the provider | |
46 | Clear escalation path | YES | Complete escalation path for 24 x 7 support right through to CTO and CEO level | |
47 | Free of charge Proof of Concept | YES | The provider does not charge a fee or cost for the POC | |
48 | Sub-second failover after link failure | YES | The provider ensures that your solution reacts sub-second to link failure or link brownout, preventing dropped calls etc | |
49 | Independent solution advice, always | YES | You receive the best solution for your requirements, and not the only solution that your provider can supply | |
50 | SD-WAN and / or Security components can be replaced without replacing the hardware | YES | Change SD-WAN or security without replacing the hardware as is the case with a single provider SaSe | |
51 | All available bandwidth is used within a solution | YES | The provider solution makes use of all installed connectivity ensuring that secondary lines are used and not sitting idle, waiting for a main link failure. | |
52 | LTE can be used as a main connection technology | YES | Some providers only permit the use of LTE services as a link of last resort or as a dedicated back-up solution, thereby limiting your connectivity choices | |
53 | Seamless integration with 3rd party software and services, often on a single device | YES | The provider should be able to enhance your solution and security with seamless, non-disruptive integration with 3rd party services without needing to replace hardware or add additional hardware. | |
54 | Optional Data Assurance | YES | The provider should be able to Include Layer 4 encryption to secure your data, even during transit, making your sensitive data worthless to any cyber-criminal | |
55 | IOT device enhanced integration | YES | The provider can ensure that your IOT devices are intelligently connected and protected, and integrated into your network and security environment, regardless of where they are located |